Ex vessel meaning
Ex vessel meaning

ex vessel meaning

ex vessel meaning

dollars, owed to NMFS by an AFA cooperative or AFA sector as determined by multiplying the appropriate AFA standard ex-vessel value of landed Bering Sea pollock by the appropriate AFA fee percentage.ĪFA fee percentage means that positive number no greater than 3 percent (0.03) determined by the Regional Administrator and established for use in calculating the AFA fee liability for an AFA cooperative or AFA sector.ĪFA inshore processor means a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor permitted to process BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(5).ĪFA mothership means a mothership permitted to process BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(4).ĪFA pollock equivalent pounds means the weight recorded in pounds for landed AFA pollock and calculated as round weight.ĪFA rebuilt vessel means an AFA vessel that was rebuilt after October 15, 2010.ĪFA replacement vessel means a vessel that NMFS designated on an AFA permit pursuant to § 679.4(l)(7) after October 15, 2010.ĪFA standard ex-vessel value means the total U.S. (2) For purposes of BSAI Atka mackerel, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rock sole, and yellowfin sole, a catcher/processor that is permitted to harvest BS pollock and that is listed under § 679.4(l)(2)(i).ĪFA catcher vessel means a catcher vessel permitted to harvest BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(3).ĪFA crab processing facility means a processing plant, catcher/processor, mothership, floating processor or any other operation that processes any FMP species of BSAI crab, and that is affiliated with an AFA entity that processes pollock harvested by a catcher vessel cooperative operating in the inshore or mothership sectors of the BS pollock fishery.ĪFA entity means a group of affiliated individuals, corporations, or other business concerns, except for a CDQ group, that harvests or processes pollock in the BS directed pollock fishery.ĪFA fee liability means the amount of money for Bering Sea pollock cost recovery, in U.S. (1) For purposes of BS pollock and all BSAI groundfish fisheries other than Atka mackerel, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rock sole, and yellowfin sole, a catcher/processor that is permitted to harvest BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(2).

#Ex vessel meaning code#

In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act and in part 600 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have the following meanings:ĪBC reserve means, for purposes of flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole in the BSAI, an amount, not to exceed the ABC surplus, that may be reduced for social, economic, or ecological considerations according to § 679.20(b)(1)(iii).ĪBC surplus means, for purposes of flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole in the BSAI, the difference between each species' annual ABC and TAC.Īctive/inactive periods means for longline or pot gear catcher vessel, see § 679.5(c)(3)(iv)(A)( 1) for longline or pot gear catcher/processor, see § 679.5(c)(3)(iv)(B)( 1) for trawl gear catcher vessel, see § 679.5(c)(4)(iv)(A)( 1) for trawl gear catcher/processor, see § 679.5(c)(4)(iv)(B)( 1) for shoreside processor or SFP, see § 679.5(c)(5)(ii) for mothership, see § 679.5(c)(6)(iv).Īdequate evidence, for purposes of subpart E of this part, means information sufficient to support the reasonable belief that a particular act or omission has occurred.ĪDF&G means the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game.ĪDF&G fish ticket number means a nine-digit number designated by one alphabet letter ( i.e., G = groundfish), two numbers that identify the year ( i.e., 98), followed by six numbers.ĪDF&G processor code means State of Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) Intent to operate processor license number (example: F12345).

Ex vessel meaning